Street Fighter 6/JP/Matchups

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SF6 A.K.I. Icon.png JP vs. A.K.I.
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SF6 Akuma Icon.png JP vs. Akuma
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SF6 Blanka Icon.png JP vs. Blanka
  • After blocking H Blanka Ball, you can setup EX Departure (214PP) safely. Regular Departure can get counter-hit by another H Ball.
  • If you Perfect Parry a Blanka Ball, Drive Rush into HP works as a punish.
Notable Amnesia catches
  • H Blanka Ball: +17 (Unpunishable due to pushback)
  • 6MK (Hopkicks): +12/2 (Punishable anywhere if you get the first hit, but safe if you catch the second one)
SF6 Cammy Icon.png JP vs. Cammy
  • Her Level 3 can punish a bad Departure summon, be careful once she has full bar.
SF6 Chun-Li Icon.png JP vs. Chun-Li

Serenity Stream stance will low-profile the following moves:

  • 5LP, 5MP, 5HK
  • SA2 1st projectile whiffs
Dee Jay
SF6 DeeJay Icon.png JP vs. DeeJay
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SF6 Dhalsim Icon.png JP vs. Dhalsim
  • If you teleport next to his Float, you can airthrow him out of it.
  • Raw Float is low enough to be hit by Triglav (22P), but NOT if he floats from a jump.
  • When anti-airing Teleport, input it as 2HP instead of 1HP, to avoid getting 3HP if he crosses up.
SF6 Ed Icon.png JP vs. Ed
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SF6 Ehonda Icon.png JP vs. E.Honda
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SF6 Guile Icon.png JP vs. Guile
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SF6 Jamie Icon.png JP vs. Jamie
  • Punish random drinks in neutral with Triglav (22P)
SF6 JP Icon.png JP vs. JP (Mirror)

JP can counter his own kit very well, making this mirror a game of who commits the most first, and who can punish the other's mistakes.

  • Level 1 can go right through Torbalan and punish. On the other hand, if you can bait it with fake Torbalan, you can punish it anywhere on the screen with Triglav.
  • Frametrapping with L Torbalan, Triglav or their OD version is completly safe against OD Amnesia. Doing it from Heavies is also safe againt Level 1 due to it not being projectile-immune.
  • Blocking Triglav lets you counterpoke with your own. Loses to OD Triglav, but you can use it yourself to guarantee you get the hit first. Bait it after your own Triglav is blocked to make your opponent waste Drive Gauge. If you Perfect Parry it, you get a guaranteed punish with your own or Level 3.
  • Summoning Departure after a knockdown can only be punished with Level 3. Even OD Triglav isn't fast enough.
  • Level 2 can punish both Triglav or Torbalan on a read thanks to it quick startup, and is safe to attempt (appart from the loss of super gauge).
  • Level 3 shuts down anything JP can attempt at full screen if your reactions are on point.
SF6 Juri Icon.png JP vs. Juri
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SF6 Ken Icon.png JP vs. Ken (Even)

Ken's great Drive Rushes, Dragonlashes and Run makes him one of the hardest characters to zone, while his 5HP will punish you hard for whiffing 5MP or 2MK.

  • OD Amnesia is very hard to use in this matchup due to Ken's great shimmy capacity. Don't rely solely on delay tech either. Instead, be patient and counter walk back with 2MK and anti-air his jumps. Due to Ken's throw loops, you can potentially get big reward off a hard read if you counter his throw, but a safer option is just jumping out of the corner, even if that means eating an anti-air.
  • Stuff his Drive Rushes with 5MP when he isn't covering himself with a fireball. If he does, you can attempt to poke with L or M Striborg, wich will destroy the fireball and hit the Drive Rush. But don't get predictable or he will simply jump and punish. Keep in mind that every one of his Drive Rushes gets him closer to burnout, especially if he does them after 2MK or 5HP. Sometimes, it pays to be patient , even if you might eat some throws as being in Burnout severely limits his capacity to get in on JP. Drive Parrying is risky but can keep you in the meter lead.
  • Although Jinrai's low followup is -5, you can't punish it with 5LK, and Ken will hit you hard for whiffing in front of him. Instead, counterpoke with 5MK and take your turn.
  • Learn to anti-air with Air Throw or j.LP as Ken players love close and neutral jumps after HK Dragonlash or after a knockdown.
  • Dragonlash Kick can go through Torbalan, same thing for Tastumakis. You can Drive Reversal it after blocking to gain some breathing room, but beware of Burnout. After this knockdown you don't get the time to setup much but you can try mixing between a real and a fake Torbalan.
SF6 Kimberly Icon.png JP vs. Kimberly
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SF6 Lily Icon.png JP vs. Lily
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SF6 Luke Icon.png JP vs. Luke
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SF6 Manon Icon.png JP vs. Manon
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SF6 Marisa Icon.png JP vs. Marisa (Even)

JP has all the tools to keep Marisa out while also keeping most of her scary options in check with his 22K to check most plus frames and 5MK to check the hop of 623P and the armor of 236P. However the explosive damage she has always makes her threat making this matchup easy to swing in either players favor.

  • 2MK is a great tool to contest Marisa's upper-body armor.
Notable Amnesia catches
  • Gladius: +7 (Corner punishable)
  • Charged Gladius: +6 (Corner punishable, but only with lights)
  • 623P (Divepunch): +3 (Unpunishable)
  • Stance Overhead: +7 (Corner punishable)
  • Stance Low: +22 (Full combo anywhere)
  • Stance Command Grab: +39 (Full combo anywhere)
SF6 Rashid Icon.png JP vs. Rashid

Requires you to cycle through your option a little more frequently, as Rashid's special are good counter to your zoning if you get too flowcharty.

  • H and EX Eagle Spike can go right through Torbalan and punish you on reaction if you try it without prior frame advantage. They can also somewhat punish Departure summons, even after a blocked projectile, if you ever get too predictable about when you summon. Since Spike is death on block, baiting Rashid with fake projectiles is a good way to dissuade him from reaction punishing you.
  • A matchup where you'll probably use Spikes more often that your Ghosts.
  • If he ever tries to summon level 2 in neutral and you have lvl 3, you can punish it on reaction. As such, preserving your Super stocks is a good way to eventually prevent him from forcing an interaction later in the match.
Notable Amnesia catches
  • 6HP (Overhead): +6 (Corner punishable, but only with lights)
  • 5HP: +6 (Corner punishable, but only with lights)
  • 6MP : +6 (Corner punishable, but only with lights)
  • L Spinning Mixer: +17 (Full combo anywhere)
  • Enhanced L Spinning Mixer: The animation is so long that Rashid will get hit before he finishes the move. He won't stop after the catch, so you can't just use a normal after or you'll get Counterhit. You either want to Level 1 right away (and Level 1 again after if you want to cash out), or Drive Parry until the first bomb explodes, Drive Rush, and convert from there.
  • Eagle Spike: +34/38 (Full combo anywhere)
SF6 Ryu Icon.png JP vs. Ryu
  • Punish random Denjin Charges with Triglav (22P)
SF6 Zangief Icon.png JP vs. Zangief (Favorable)

Zangief isn't really equiped with good counters to JP's zoning, unlike some of the other grapplers, and will mostly use patient forward walk, charged 5HP, reaction Level 2s and hard reads to get past your zoning. OD Amnesia giving huge reward if it catches his command grabs greatly improve your defense in this matchup.

  • Due to Light SPD's range, you have to be a bit more careful of your spacing if you decide to end in Swipe or L Torbalan to frametrap. Point blank 5HP/5HK Target into MP Swipe or L Torbalan is punishable, but adding a bit of distance beforehand will make it whiff.
  • Despite hitting low, HK Torbalan will NOT beat Charged 5HP's armor. If the opposing Zangief starts to use this move a lot against your projectile, you can either use 2MK (risky if he decides to 6MK over it but keeps an offensive presence), or try to react to him charging and Drive Impact it (requires to give up some offense and distracts from other options like the overhead, but safer).
Notable Amnesia catches
  • SPD: +39 (Full combo anywhere)
  • 6HK (Overhead): +14~8 (Distance dependant midscreen, 5MP is great if you got one of the earlier frames. Guaranteed in the corner)
  • Charged 5HP: +7 (Corner punishable)
  • Level 3: +101 (You are a horrible person)

SF6 Navigation

Dee Jay
E. Honda