SvC Chaos: SNK Vs Capcom/Leopold Goenitz

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ゲーニッツ, Goenitz
"The least I can do is offer a prayer for you; then send you to Hades!"
Difficulty Easy Gameplay, Hard Execution
Max Mode Needed? Doesn't Need It
Tier Placement Very Strong (A)
Standing Hitbox Average
Crouching Hitbox Short



That missionary over there is Leopold Goenitz, a well known boss from the KOF series that debuted in KOF96 as one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Orochi. If nothing else, he's known for his infamous quote: Koko desu ka? He is a cool character here, with decent moves and stellar zoning, so if you've ever wanted to play a tournament legal Goenitz for yourself, this is the game for you.

How to select Goenitz (Outside of Super Plus)

  • You want to use Goenitz? Just do these inputs below while you're on the character select screen, before the timer reaches 0 seconds:
  • (While Holding Start) Down(3x), Right, Down, Left(3x)
  • Console Method: Hold R1/RT above Ryo Sakazaki
Strengths Weaknesses
  • Solid normals for a zoning character: Though a little slow on startup, Goenitz has a variety of strong buttons he can use for both fighting up-close and a few buttons to poke from further away. More surprisingly, most of these buttons are safe (ignoring GCFS), with quite a few of them even leaving Goenitz plus. Most of them pack big hitboxes, too, giving Goenitz a lot of different attacks to utilize even if he loses the zoning wars.
  • DP anti-airs can also juggle: In the rare instance you are playing Goenitz in the corner, and maybe have access to Max Mode also, you can do juggle combos with his DP moves, making them at least somewhat more useful and broadening his combo game up.
  • Command grab super: Even opponents that do manage to close the gap against Goenitz can still be caught off guard by his highly damaging command grab that he can even combo into. This also gives him a viable way to open opponents up with an empty jump in or when teleporting in.
  • Teleports give him good mobility: These allow Goenitz to roam more freely around the stage and not be restricted to playing pure zoning when the situation calls for it and even escape out of a tight bind - even countering his opponent's zoning. Though he only has access to two teleports that both move forward, one grounded and one aerial, it gives him enough mixup to be somewhat unpredictable with them. They're decently quick, too.
  • Exceed has startup invincibility, as well as an overhead variant: The same way Goenitz can mixup his teleport, he can also mixup his Exceed as it effectively turns his teleport into a super. If your opponent isn't cautious, this allows Goenitz to teleport in and give a strong punisher when used right. They can both be blocked standing, though.
  • Tornadoes make for excellent keepout: This is the most likely reason you're playing Goenitz. His tornadoes, the crux of his gameplay, are capable of shutting out nearly everything and everyone from ever approaching him when played right. Against especially impatient players, characters who cannot approach, large hitboxes, or generally reckless gameplay, Goenitz always has the upper hand in playing keepout, gradually frustrating the opponent.
  • Tornados can negate normal and super projectiles: Even if you attempt to play zoning against Goenitz yourself, his tornadoes can block out projectiles by themselves and still force you to play by his rules, allowing him to buy time as well if he wishes to play the waiting game.
  • Will always have screen presence: Goenitz's tornadoes cover the entire screen vertically, in addition to being able to place them across nearly the entire stage with next to zero blind spots. When both players are as far apart as possible, Goenitz cannot harm the opponent (excluding Earthquake), but with careful gameplay, forces the opponent to always play his game. He's capable of stopping nearly every kind of method to getting in, plus burning a little of their meter if the opponent uses GCFS.
  • Fun to play: Now you too can take revenge on everyone else after Goenitz stole far too many of your hard-earned quarters in KOF96. Chances are they'll quickly lose their patience fighting him, too, making the fight easier for you just from impatience alone.
  • Not too easy to master: Throwing out tornadoes is easy for anyone to do but doing it well is another skill. Proper tornado placement requires a good eye for your opponent's approach options, screen presence, predicting their next move, and keeping them pinned where you want to keep them.
  • Low health: This remains to be verified whether true or misinformed from previous findings, but Goenitz can be potentially squishier than other characters and thus easier to kill, even if only a little.
  • Zero combos off of lights: All of combos require starting from a heavy button as none of his lights give him enough to start any combo. That, and all of his specials have long enough startup that even with Max Mode, Goenitz cannot rely on lights to hit-confirm or convert into any combos.
  • Limited, hard to execute combos: Setting aside the issue of starting his combos from heavy attacks or punishes, thus leaving little room to hit confirm, some combos can have incredibly strict timings to them or require awkward buffers to boot, too. This is especially notable of his super combos, where something as minor as which button you start the combo with greatly alters the timing of the rest of the combo.
  • Slower startup on moves in general: Goenitz is on the slower end of attacking, if the startup on his tornadoes wasn't obvious enough. He has his fair share of fast normals to work with, but often times when you do any attack with him, it's fairly committal, and can potentially even harm him in losing matchups.
  • Average anti-air game: Other than tornadoes, Goenitz has a few buttons he can use as anti-airs, but none of them are noteworthy and often situational.
  • Easy to counter aerial approach: Average at best jump buttons and only one aerial teleport leaves his aerial approach very basic and overall not terribly threatening. In a game with better aerial movement, his j.B would be a decent crossup button.
  • Max Mode is situational at best: Goenitz gets some minor use with Max Mode, like cancels on a few of his specials and some juggles, but the likelihood he actually gets to use any of it is unlikely. Max Mode's utility often involve playing against his normal gameplay, namely pushing the opponent into the corner himself. His Max Mode combos are more amusing than they are practical.
  • Opponent can completely bypass tornadoes if they're patient enough: The first downside of his tornadoes is their fairly lengthy startup. It's not detrimental startup, but enough to still leave some wiggle room to counter Goenitz. With patience, planning, or baiting Goenitz into throwing a tornado out, it is possible to entirely close the gap against Goenitz and punish him during the tornado's long recovery. This is made more apparent in his losing matchups.
  • Tornadoes can also be punishable on hit: Sometimes, instead of knocking down as they should, a tornado that hits a grounded opponent will instead stagger them backwards. If close enough, Goenitz is minus, and thus can allow the opponent to punish him after the fact. The tornadoes contain two hitboxes, with the larger hitbox wrapping around and causing the stagger. Though the actual hitbox is small in practice, it's something to be wary of.
SVC Chaos: SNK VS Capcom Frame Data Glossary

How much damage the attack does. This takes into account no defense modifiers, so the damage assumes a 0% damage modifier.

  • Note: Damage is a little inconsistent. Example: Geese cl.A deals 5 damage. Against Zero, sometimes it does 5 pixels of damage to his life bar, other times it does 4 pixels. Against Ryu, cl.A does 4 pixels of damage, other times it does 3 pixels of damage. This info comes from the Enterbrain Mook, but most likely this is the cause of damage modifiers skewing the damage slightly, thus making it a bit inconsistent.
  • Damage values listed are pulled from the SVC Chaos Enterbrain Mook, save Athena, Red Arremer, Serious Mr. Karate and Shin Akuma. It is listed because it's an official source for this info, just keep in mind damage is not 1-to-1 due to varying health values and screwy ways the game calculates damage anyways.
  • There will be a question mark next to the four mentioned characters because it's only a guess as to what the actual damage values are (until health and damage are better understood), since they were never gathered in the Mook.
Counter Damage

How much damage the attack does on a counter hit, or when it connects with an opponent while they're performing an attack. Counter damage values listed are pulled from the SVC Chaos Enterbrain Mook, save Athena, Red Arremer, Serious Mr. Karate and Shin Akuma.


Where the attack hits, and thus where it must be blocked.

  • Mids can be blocked standing and crouching
  • Overheads must be blocked standing
  • Lows must be blocked crouching
  • Unblockable cannot be blocked
  • Throws break through block up-close
Guard Crush

How much guard meter damage the attack does to the green Guard Gauge.


How many points of stun the attack adds to the opponent's invisible Stun Gauge.


How much meter is gained for performing/landing the attack. Special moves earn meter both when activated and when they connect with the opponent, whether it hits them or they block it.


The type of cancel the attack can perform.

  • Any - All cancel types work
  • Ch - Chain cancel; it can chain into other attacks (mostly just lights)
  • Self - Can chain only into itself
  • Cmd - Command cancel; can cancel into command normals
  • Sp - Special cancel; can cancel into special moves, and almost always this means super cancels are possible too
  • Su - Super cancel; can cancel into super moves
  • Free - Free cancel; can be cancelled in Max Mode by other special moves or super moves
  • Written only for special moves as all normals can be Free Cancelled, so writing it in for every move would be redundant
  • X - Cannot be cancelled, either outside of Max Mode or that it cannot be cancelled at all

How many frames it takes before the move becomes 'active' or has a hitbox. The SVC Chaos wiki uses classic startup notation, which does not include the first active frame. A move with 3 startup becomes active on frame 4. Super and Exceed startup will calculate both the frames before and after the super flash animation as such: X+Y, with X being the startup frames before the flash animation and Y being the startup frames after the flash animation.

  • The startup will not take into account the frames of the flash animation itself where time freezes and the opponent player cannot act.
  • Super flashes last 28 frames, whereas Exceed flashes last 27 frames.
  • Because there is currently no way to view throw boxes, it is assumed that throws/command grabs are at most 0-1 frames of startup. Truthfully, we don't actually know though.

How many frames a move remains active (can hurt opponents) for. Consecutive sets of active frames on a multi-hit move are separated by a comma. (Example: 3, 4 - The attack has its first hitbox for 3 frames, then the second hitbox for 4 frames)

  • If there is a gap between sets of active frames, the gap is denoted by a number in parentheses. (Example: 3, (2), 4 - The attack is active for 3 frames, then is not active for the next two frames, followed by being active again for 4 frames.)
  • Throw boxes are not visible either through dipswitches or the hitbox viewer so it's only a guess how active throws and command grabs are, but it's probably one active frame at most.
  • This also applies to hitbox images - they will still show the push and hurtboxes of characters but outside of that, unfortunately there is no way to depict the throw boxes at the moment.

How many frames it takes for a move to finish after it's been active.


The total number of frames the attack lasts on screen for. This adds up the startup, active, and recovery frames into one number.

Hit/Block Adv

These are frame advantage values when the attack hits or is blocked. If the number is positive, then the move will end before the defender can act again. If the number is negative, the defender will be able to act before the attacker and maybe even punish.

  • SKD refers to a soft knockdown, or a knockdown you can tech roll out of.
  • HKD refers to a hard knockdown, one that you cannot tech roll out of.
  • All frame advantages assume Ryu as the opponent. If there are variable wakeup times, it is currently unknown info.
  • Frame advantages of projectiles assumes the opponent is point blank range. Any farther and this obviously changes and/or doesn't matter.
  • Block advantage assumes no use of Guard Cancel Front Step.
  • For one, it obviously decreases the attacker's frame advantage significantly.
  • When the defender uses GCFS is also a variable factor so you cannot provide a hard answer as to what the frame advantage is after GCFS, as well as how soon they cancel GCFS into an attack.
  • Generally speaking, just assume the block advantage minus the active frames of GCFS (18 frames), and that's a rough estimate of the frame advantage when GCFS is performed. Do keep in mind that GCFS technically has a slight delay when the dash is performed even if you register the input as early as possible.
  • This doesn't really matter in most cases, since the attacker will automatically be quite minus after most attacks.
  • It would only matter in situations where the attacker can punish GCFS attempts like with throws or multi-hit attacks, but even then, that's because the attacker canceled the blocked attack into another attack that the frame advantage of the blocked attack after GCFS no longer matters in that situation. All that matters, then, is the attack is cancelable at all.

Indicates whether there's any frames of invulnerability during the attack.

Move List

Normal Moves

Close Normals

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - 5 3 6 14 +3 +1 -
  • Good elbow attack. Can be normal canceled, and can chain into other Light Attacks as well. It won't whiff on most small crouching characters of the cast too.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - 5 5 5 15 +2 +0 -
  • Knee attack. Has the same properties as the cl.A, but can't whiff on small crouching characters.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - 3 2 8 13 +10 +8 -
  • One of the attacks to start your combos. The main special move to combo with it is the QCB+P(3x). It can link into his cr.D too.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - 11 2 16 29 +2 +0 -
  • Strong punish tool. It's the only normal that can combo into Goenitz's Tornado (A, B, or C version, but B version is most consistent), any super, and his Exceed (grounded version). Goenitz even has a glitch combo using it where he can make a super do the damage of an Exceed. Use this move only for punishing.
  • For the combo to work, you must button hold the next attack (and quickly) in order for it to combo since there's zero room for leniency after cl.D connects; the cancel has to be immediate and fast.
  • In order to do this consistently with supers, you have to buffer half of the super input, then press cl.D, and finish the rest of the super motion or else it will drop. It is possible to do cl.D and the entire super and it will still connect but that requires being instantly fast, so you have to buffer.

Far Normals

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - 8 5 7 20 +0 -2 -
  • A little slow for a Light Attack, whiffs on small crouching characters, cannot be normal canceled, cannot link into other Light Attacks, and you cannot chain into it. Overall pointless, but you can still use it to anti-air if you need something instant.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - 5 5 8 18 -1 -3 -
  • A kick with great reach. Use it as a poke, mainly. Won't whiff on most small crouching chars too.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - 13 4, (13), 3, 3 18 54 1st= -21 ; 2nd= -4 2nd= -23 ; 2nd= -6 -
  • A two-hit slash. Depending of the distance between you and the opponent, the slashes will connect. They can't be normal cancelled.
  • It combos only if the second hitbox connects after the first hitbox.
  • While very unlikely to ever happen in a real match, it is possible for the first hit to connect, but the second hitbox whiffs while the third hitbox connects instead. This will not combo, however this third hitbox has its own frame advantage. What exactly it is is unclear, but it's roughly +0 or -1 on hit, and on block -2 of the hit advantage.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - 5 3, (9), 4 9 30 1st= -5 ; 2nd= +7 2nd= -7 ; 2nd= +5 -
  • Looks like an overhead but is not. It was his st.D in KOF96. It can do two hits, but they can't be normal canceled, sadly.

Crouch Normals

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - 5 4 5 14 +3 +1 -
  • A stubby push attack. It can chain into itself, and the other Lights. Can be normal canceled too.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - 8 5 5 18 +2 +0 -
  • Low-hitting kick. Cannot be normal canceled. Can chain into other Lights, but not into itself.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - 11 5 17 33 -2 -4 -
  • One of Goenitz's anti-air moves. Can be normal canceled too. You can try cancelling into tornado if you wish for extra pressure.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - 7 4 17 28 SKD -3 -
  • A simple sweep, but cannot be normal canceled. In Max Mode, you can cancel it into a teleport to crossup on the opponent's wakeup but only works if it hits.

Jumping Normals

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Overhead - - - - 6 4 - - - - -
  • Neutral Jumping Attack
  • It's like the Diagonal version, but with a different animation.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Overhead - - - - 6 7 - - - - -
  • Diagonal Jumping Attack
  • You can use it to air-to-air the opponent. If you want to use it as a Jump-in attack, Goenitz has better options.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Overhead - - - - 6 10 - - - - -
  • Neutral Jumping Attack
  • Strange-looking kick. Can start combos, but Goenitz has better options.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Overhead - - - - 6 10 - - - - -
  • Diagonal Jumping Attack
  • To start crossup combos. It's very easy to crossup with it, sort of like Kyo's j.B, or Ryu's classic j.B, his j.B in SF).

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Overhead - - - - 6 4 - - - - -
  • Neutral Jumping Attack
  • Defensive move. Use it as an air-to-air.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Overhead - - - - 9 3 - - - - -
  • Diagonal Jumping Attack
  • Mainly used as a damaging jump-in attack. It does good damage, and can crossup if you aim well, but harder to land than j.B.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Overhead - - - - 6 8 - - - - -
  • Neutral Jumping Attack
  • The angle is great, but being locked behind a neutral jump limits its potential. You can use it to start neutral jump combos.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Overhead - - - - 3 3, (3), 4, 4, 4 - - - - -
  • Diagonal Jumping Attack
  • Cool-looking move. It's used as a jump-in attack for tall characters, because it can do up to two hits on them. The hits will only connect if you press the button while Goenitz is falling during the jump.

Throws Throw
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
24 24 Throw 0 0 0 X - - - - - - - Throw
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
24 24 Throw 0 0 0 X - - - - - - -

Guard Cancel Blowback on Block
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
0 0 Mid 0 0 0 X - - - - - - -

Special Moves

hcf X
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Can I spam it? From far away, yeah, but you need to know the right time to use each of the versions. The A version can be used to anti-air(The tornado will appear in front of Goenitz, working like a Shield for him. The B and C versions are mainly for zoning, and the D version can be used as a corner lockdown for EQ(Watch out if he has meter). Each tornado can negate normal, and most Super projectiles.
  • Koko desu ka?

Shin Aoi Hana Seiran
qcb A x3
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
1st Rekka - - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
2nd Rekka - - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
3rd Rekka - - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -

Shin Aoi Hana Seiran
qcb C x3
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
1st Rekka - - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
2nd Rekka - - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
3rd Rekka - - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Goenitz's Rekka move. He didn't have it on his KoF 96 version, which can be a minor buff for him. This move is mainly used on combos, and can be max canceled on each of the 3 hits.

qcb K
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
qcb B - - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
qcb D - - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Goenitz's teleport. This is what you'll need to control your space. Travel using it, you'll need. There are some interesting wakeup crossup strategies using this move. The button pressed will determine the angle of the teleport.

Wanpyou Tokobuse
dp A
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
  • This move(And the below) were changed in input terms(On '96, this move could be done with QCB+P). On '96, this move could do 6 hits, but here, it can do up to 5. You can max cancel each hit too.

Wanpyou Mametsu
dp C
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Same properties as the above, but will aim to the air. You can use it mainly to anti-air. On the corner, you can juggle after it hits a jumping opponent.

Super Moves

Fuujin Ibuki
qcf x2 AC
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
(18x4)+(22x2) 22, 24 Mid 0 0 0 X - - - - - - -
  • Goenitz's dash super. It has some startup invincibility frames, which is great, but it's hard to confirm it, due to the startup. The only way to confirm it is after a cl.D, but only if you cancel the move earlier(Or by doing this shortcut: QCF+D, QCF+PP. If you time well, you can get it). If it hits the opponent in the air, Goenitz will stop after

hcb x2 P
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
72 72 Throw 0 0 0 X - - - - - - -
  • Goenitz's Super Grab, and his DM on KoF '96. It does good damage, and can combo from normals, but try to combo from the cl.D, especially. Why? You'll get a glitch(A damaging one). When Goenitz grabs the opponent(After a cl.D), he will do 50% damage on the opponent, and when he throws the opponent, he will do more 50%, which is a simple(Kind of; canceling the cl.D into a Super is a hard thing), but damaging combo(And you can do it everywhere, which is great).


Shin Yaotome: Mizuchi
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
0+(6x11)+(14x6) 0, 6, 14 Mid 0 0 0 X - - - - - - -
  • Goenitz turns his ground teleport into a powered up ranbu super where he warps in and pummels the opponent, followed by choking the opponent out and tossing them to the ground.
  • After performing this super, Goenitz will side switch when he throws the opponent to the ground.
  • It is possible to combo after cl.D, but very difficult without using button hold. The Exceed itself does 11 hits before Goenitz performs the choking animation, so if cl.D combo'd, it will count as 12 hits. It also has to be cancelled asap, or it won't combo.
  • Standard punish Exceed, difficult to use but rewarding when it lands. Unless your execution is pristine, you're probably only going to use this to punish your opponent for making a mistake.

Shin Yaotome: Jissoukoku
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
0+(6x11)+(14x6) 0, 6, 14 Overhead 0 0 0 X - - - - - - -
  • Goenitz's Exceed, but the air teleport is turned into an attack instead.
  • Same notes as Goenitz's A Exceed. Only differences are different frame data and hitboxes, it's an overhead, and it cannot be combo'd into.
  • Also used as a punish. Ideal for crouching opponents if they aren't careful or opponents mid-air.


Basic Strategy


First, Goenitz is a defensive character with solid ground game, and you need to know this. Why? You don't need to jump that much, that's why. The best opportunities to jump are: To punish your opponent(If he/she whiffs a move), or after a stun(To get more damage; while your opponent is stunned, you're free to do anything), this can be used with most ground-game characters. To play him, you'll need to control your space, by controling his tornado's positions(While you're using them, you'll build meter, and never use only one version, try to "You shall not pass!" your opponent by using many versions, based on where he/she is), knowing your best anti-airs(Based on the situation), and teleporting when you need(Or if you need space). If you need to punish, just do one of the combos below(Do it with a Super), and be happy with Goenitz. Good luck in your future matches.

Advanced Strategy



SVC Chaos: SNK VS Capcom Quick Combo Notation Guide
  • cl. = close normal
  • st. = standing/far normal
  • cr. = crouching normal
  • f.; etc. = forward direction (NOT far)
  • X = any button
  • CH = counter hit
  • , = Used to separate attacks in the combo
  • / = Separates different options for the combo (mainly different starters or enders that are possible)
  • Unless otherwise stated (such as it's a link or you need to delay the attack), assume this is a chain/cancel.
  • Example: cr.B, cr.A, dp A ; cr.B chains into cr.A, then cr.A cancels into dp A
  • [b]~f = Indicates to charge back (or downback), then press forwards for the given special move
  • ( ) = Parentheses used to indicate the attack(s) within the parentheses are optional to add to the combo
  • (C) = Indicates a free cancel, aka a cancel only possible in Max Mode
  • (SC) = Indicates a super cancel via free canceling in Max Mode
  • (1) = Used to indicate how many hits of the attack should connect (or less than) before continuing with the combo
  • Example: cl.C(1), hcb P means that only one hit of cl.C should be performed before moving on to do hcb P, not more than one hit
  • [ ] = Used to distinguish combo loops or combo starters/etc. in case a certain attack is only possible after specific options
  • xN = Repeat the given loop for as many times as either possible or as many times as you wish

May change to numpad notation much later down the road.

BnB Combos

BnB Combos
Combo Position Damage Stun Difficulty Notes
cl.C, cr.D TBA TBA TBA TBA Simple link into a knockdown. If you want to add a Jump Attack on it, you can, but make sure you crossup the opponent. It can be easier on bigger characters too. One of the easier links off a raw normal to do in the game, but still risky if the opponent blocks it and then leads to them front stepping it. Without front step, it's mostly safe, but still assume it's a risk.
cl.D, hcf B TBA TBA TBA TBA Not that simple to do. To cancel it earlier, you'll need to begin the input right after you press the button(And you need to do it very fast, really, very fast). There is a way to know that it will work. When you attack(Normally) with the cl.D, you'll hear a slash. If you cancel it earlier, you'll hear a "BAM" sound. You can use other versions of the "Koko Desu Ka?"(The A and the C versions will combo as well), but only the B version will knock the opponent down. Sadly, you can't add a Jump Attack before the cl.D, because they won't combo(The startup of the cl.D is very bad to combo after it).
(j.X,) cl.C, qcb P x3 TBA TBA TBA TBA Your BnB, and the easiest way to combo with Goenitz(We know, he is very hard to combo, but he still can). You can use the cl.D on this combo too, but I think it's easier with the cl.C.
(j.X,) cl.C, dp A TBA TBA TBA TBA Not that hard as a combo, but... Just use the Seiran instead.
(Corner only; Jumping opponent only) dp C, cl.C TBA TBA TBA TBA A very hard combo to confirm. You won't see someone jumping on the corner saying: "Please, do this combo on me!". Note that this combo will reset your opponent.
cl.D, qcf x2 AC TBA TBA TBA TBA For punishing purposes. You can shortcut it by doing: QCF+D(Goenitz doesn't have a QCF+K special move), QCF+PP. The combo will only work if you cancel the cl.D early. To know that this combo worked, during the Super's flash, your opponent won't be pushed(But will be on the hitstun animation). It does great damage too.
(j.X crossup,) cl.C, hcb x2 P TBA TBA TBA TBA A not-that-hard combo(You can shortcut it by doing: HCB+C, HCB+P; if you do a HCB+C fast enough, the Seiran won't come out). It's mainly to use for punishing purposes, but I think that the below is better.
cl.D, hcb x2 P TBA TBA TBA TBA It does more than one bar(More than 50%) in damage terms. That's why it is better. It is actually a glitch that makes the Super do the damage of an Exceed. It won't crash the game, so you can use it freely(And it can be used after a stun too, which is great for you, and the worst thing for your opponent), assuming you have meter. The two combos are different because you can't combo a Jump Attack into a cl.D.
cl.D, qcf~hcb A TBA TBA TBA TBA A hard combo to confirm, because you can't shortcut it. Your execution levels need to be high to do it. To know that the combo worked, it's like the Fuujin Ibuki combo, the opponent will be on hitstun during the flash.

Max Mode Combos

Goenitz can max cancel only 3 special moves: his Rekka Move (all 3 of them), and his DP+A/C moves (any hit).

Max Mode Combos
Combo Position Damage Stun Difficulty Notes
dp A(2), (C)qcb P x3 TBA TBA TBA TBA Not that hard as a combo. On bigger characters, you can max cancel the third hit of the move to do this combo. Generally, I like to max cancel the last hit of the QCB+P into a teleport, just to get more space.
(Corner only, the opponent needs to be jumping) dp C (any hit but last), (C)qcb P x3 TBA TBA TBA TBA Cool combo. You won't see it that much, but it's still cool.
(Corner only) cr.D, hcf A, dp C, (C)qcb P x2, (C)dp C, (C)hcf A TBA TBA TBA TBA Hard to land. The first qcb P after dp C does not need to connect, only the second one. Use it on a combo vid, or even if your opponent doesn't know how to block on the wakeup. I'm not sure if you can use this combo to DP+C, QCB+P(2x) loops.
(j.X crossup,) cl.C, qcb P x2, (C)dp A TBA TBA TBA TBA Simple combo, really(But it's not a thing that you'll see in a match). Use it like if you would use a normal Seiran combo.

Game Navigation

SNK Characters
Choi Bounge
Geese Howard
Genjyuro Kibagami
Leopold Goenitz
Iori Yagami
Kasumi Todoh
Kim Kaphwan
Kyo Kusanagi
Mai Shiranui
Mars People
Mr. Karate
Orochi Iori
Ryo Sakazaki
Serious Mr. Karate
Terry Bogard
Capcom Characters
Dan Hibiki
Demitri Maximoff
M. Bison
Red Arremer
Rockman Zero
Shin Akuma
Violent Ken