Street Fighter V/Zeku (Young)

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< Street Fighter V
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About Zeku

Zeku is two characters in one, with an old form and a young form. The old form excels at long ranged spacing and poking, while the young form is better at pressure and combos. These give you a character who's good at pretty much everything but not all at once. Being strong with Zeku means you have to know when the right moment is to switch to the form best suited for whatever situation they're needed for. Good use of the form swap can throw an opponent off their game, as they'll have to constantly change what they have to watch out for in neutral. This goes for the Zeku player as well, as they'll have to constantly know what to do in neutral based on their form, not to mention memorizing his vast amount of combos and setups for both forms and between the two. If you like a character more complex than most with critical strengths and weaknesses that you'll swap constantly, Zeku could be just for you.

Unique Mechanics

By using his V-Skill 1, VT2, or pressing 22PP, Zeku will change from Old Zeku to Young Zeku. These are two completely different characters with different normals, command normals, and specials. Old Zeku is slower focusing more on spacing and ranged game, Young Zeku is much more offensively focuses. You will always start a round as Old Zeku. Change form can be done off select normals. As old Zeku all grounded normals excluding his command overhead, standing MK / HK, crouching LK, MP and HK. As young Zeku all grounded normals excluding standing MK, HK, command overhead and all crouching kicks.

Final Patch

Players to Watch

  • Infexious
  • RB
  • Unsung
  • Wolfkrone
SFV-Zeku (Young) Portrait.jpg
Life Points 1000
Stun Points 1000
V-Gauge Points
V-Trigger 1 2 Bars
V-Trigger 2 2 Bars
Ground Movement
Forward Walk Speed 0.054
Backward Walk Speed 0.035
Forward Dash Speed 17
Backward Dash Speed 22
Forward Dash Distance 1.692
Backward Dash Distance 1.004
Backdash CH Frames 3-11
Back Jump Speed 46 (4+38+4)
Neutral Jump Speed 46 (4+38+4)
Forward Jump Speed 45 (3+38+4)
Forward Jump Distance 2.164
Backward Jump Distance 1.86
Throw Hurtbox 0.3
Throw Range 0.8
SFV Frame Data Glossary

How many frames a move remains active (can hurt opponents) for.


Attack level is L for low attacks (must be blocked crouching), H is for High attacks (which can be blocked high or low) and M for overhead (must be blocked standing). T is for throw attacks (which cannot be blocked).

Cancel options

Available cancel options.

  • "ch": Chain cancel, refer to description for options.
  • "sp": Special move.
  • "su": Critical art.
  • "vs[1/2]": V-Skill 1 or 2.
  • "vt[1/2]": V-Trigger 1 or 2 activation.
Confirm windows

Hit confirm windows written as Specials & CAs/Target Combos/V-Trigger. Notation may denote V-Skill only cancel windows in Specials.

  • Refers to the amount of time (in frames) you have to cancel into another move from the moment the attack connects with the opponent.
Crush Counter

Crush Counter hit advantage written as opponent state, frame advantage, and v-gauge gain on hit.


Attack damage on hit. Notation may denote multi-hit or "sweet spot" damage values on certain frames.


These are frame advantage values when the attack hits or is blocked. If the number is positive, then the move will end before the defender can act again. If the number is negative, the defender will be able to act before the attacker and maybe even punish. KD refers to knockdown on hit.

  • Note that generally, normal counter hits add an additional +2 to hit advantage in SFV.

Knockdown advantage against Normal, Quick Rise and Back Rise wake up options.


How many frames it takes for a move to finish after it's been active.


How many frames it takes before the move becomes 'active' or have a hit box. The last startup frame and the first active frame are the same frame, meaning all values are written as Startup + 1.


Amount of stun added to the opponent's stun bar on hit.


Stand LP
SFV Zeku (Young) 5LP.png
SFV Zeku (Young) 5LP vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 2 9 3
Damage Stun Attack Block
30 70 H 2
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 9
    • Target Combos: 11
    • V-Trigger: 9
  • Cancel options: ch sp su vt1 vt2
Chains into st.LP and cr.LP
Less horizontal range on crouching than standing opponents
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
4(11) 2 11 1
Damage Stun Attack Block
30 70 H -1
  • Cancel options: sp su
Framedata shown here is when chained into during Zeku's V-Trigger Dash
The startup in the parenthesess (X) refers to fastest startup possible when canceling into that normal from the initial V-Trigger Dash
Chains into LK/MP/HK
First hit after the dash (Idaten) is initiated is special and super cancelable (even if the button is not normally cancelable)
Stand MP
SFV Zeku (Young) 5MP.png
SFV Zeku (Young) 5MP vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 2 16 8
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H 2
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 17
    • V-Trigger: 14
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Lots of hitstun so relatively easy to hit confirm
On hit Young Zeku can walk forward and combo into MP>HP with relative ease
On counter-hit can confirm into cr.HP > cr.HP (careful the 2nd hit of it whiffs if too far away)
Also on counter-hit can confirm into cr.HK when too far to use cr.HP.
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
5(12) 2 21 1
Damage Stun Attack Block
50 80 H -3
  • Cancel options: sp su
Framedata shown here is when chained into during Zeku's V-Trigger Dash
The startup in the parenthesess (X) refers to fastest startup possible when canceling into that normal from the initial V-Trigger Dash
Chains into MK/HP/HK
First hit after the dash (Idaten) is initiated is special and super cancelable (even if the button is not normally cancelable)
Stand HP
SFV Zeku (Young) 5HP.png
SFV Zeku (Young) 5HP vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
12 2 20(25) 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
80 150 H -3
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 16
    • Target Combos: 24
    • V-Trigger: 18
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
Pretty good range and hitbox and relatively hit confirmable makes this a good button to use and buffer during in neutral/footsies (very easily hit confirmable into the follow-up HP>HP Target Combo due to very lenient cancel window on the target combo cancel)
Target combo follow-up connects even from max range st.HP
Extra 5 frames of recovery (25) on whiff
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
12(19) 2 26 -4
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H -8
  • Cancel options: sp su
Framedata shown here is when chained into during Zeku's V-Trigger Dash
The startup in the parenthesess (X) refers to fastest startup possible when canceling into that normal from the initial V-Trigger Dash
Chains into HK
First hit after the dash (Idaten) is initiated is special and super cancelable (even if the button is not normally cancelable)
Stand LK
SFV Zeku (Young) 5LK.png
SFV Zeku (Young) 5LK vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 3 10 4
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 70 H -2
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
Good range for a st.LK
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
5(12) 4 9 1
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 70 H 0
  • Cancel options: sp su
Framedata shown here is when chained into during Zeku's V-Trigger Dash
The startup in the parenthesess (X) refers to fastest startup possible when canceling into that normal from the initial V-Trigger Dash
Chains into MP/MK
First hit after the dash (Idaten) is initiated is special and super cancelable (even if the button is not normally cancelable)
Stand MK
SFV Zeku (Young) 5MK.png
SFV Zeku (Young) 5MK vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
7 3 17 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H -3
  • Confirm windows:
    • V-Trigger: 15
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Less risky to use and less likely to lose compared to most MK pokes in the game due to not having any hurtbox extension before active frames
Hurtbox of the extended leg is high up and the hitbox hits crouchers so this is a good move against crouching low hitting pokes
Good buffer tool in neutral when you have V-Trigger Dash ready
Decent anti-air against horizontal approaches
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
8(15) 4 23 -3
Damage Stun Attack Block
50 80 H -8
  • Cancel options: sp su
Framedata shown here is when chained into during Zeku's V-Trigger Dash
The startup in the parenthesess (X) refers to fastest startup possible when canceling into that normal from the initial V-Trigger Dash
Chains into HP/HK
First hit after the dash (Idaten) is initiated is special and super cancelable (even if the button is not normally cancelable)
Stand HK
SFV Zeku (Young) 5HK.png
SFV Zeku (Young) 5HK vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
12 4 19(24) 3 (5)
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 H -2 (0)
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Not actually airborne or throw invincible at any point
Hops over low hitting attacks on frames 9-19
Hits crouching opponents on later active frames (+5/0)
Application and purpose in use is similar to Guile's Sobat Kicks
Extra 5 frames of recovery (24) on whiff
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
12(19) 4 25 -3
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H -8
  • Cancel options: sp su
Framedata shown here is when chained into during Zeku's V-Trigger Dash
The startup in the parenthesess (X) refers to fastest startup possible when canceling into that normal from the initial V-Trigger Dash
Does not chain into anything past HK (instead cancel into V-Trigger Attack)
First hit after the dash (Idaten) is initiated is special and super cancelable (even if the button is not normally cancelable)
Has the most blockstun out of all the VT1 normals, making it the best for canceling into specials on block
Crouch LP
SFV Zeku (Young) 2LP.png
SFV Zeku (Young) 2LP vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
3 2 8 4
Damage Stun Attack Block
20 70 H 2
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
The least amount of pushback on any of Young Zeku's normals (ideal for starting blockstrings/frametraps)
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
3(10) 2 10 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
20 70 H 0
  • Cancel options: sp su
Framedata shown here is when chained into during Zeku's V-Trigger Dash
The startup in the parenthesess (X) refers to fastest startup possible when canceling into that normal from the initial V-Trigger Dash
Chains into LK/MP/HK
First hit after the dash (Idaten) is initiated is special and super cancelable (even if the button is not normally cancelable)
Crouch MP
SFV Zeku (Young) 2MP.png
SFV Zeku (Young) 2MP vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 3 14 5
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H 1
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 14
    • V-Trigger: 14
  • Cancel options: sp vt1 vt2
Decent range (can used as a poke buffer and combo filler)
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
6(13) 3 19 -2
Damage Stun Attack Block
50 80 H -4
  • Cancel options: sp su
Framedata shown here is when chained into during Zeku's V-Trigger Dash
The startup in the parenthesess (X) refers to fastest startup possible when canceling into that normal from the initial V-Trigger Dash
Chains into MK/HP/HK
First hit after the dash (Idaten) is initiated is special and super cancelable (even if the button is not normally cancelable)
Crouch HP
SFV Zeku (Young) 2HP.png
SFV Zeku (Young) 2HP vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
10 3 20(25) 1
Damage Stun Attack Block
80 150 H -5
  • Crush Counter: Stagger, +21 Adv, +120 V-Gauge.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: *17
    • Target Combos: 23
    • V-Trigger: 17
    • Notes: *CA only
  • Cancel options: su vt1 vt2
Can confirm into this after Counter-Hit st.MP (but need to do the Target Combo to be able to special cancel from cr.HP)
No hurtbox extension before active frames
Can be used as anti-air (but not as reliable as most anti-airs)
Extra 5 frames of recovery (25) on whiff
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
10(17) 3 26 -5
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H -9
  • Cancel options: sp su
Framedata shown here is when chained into during Zeku's V-Trigger Dash
The startup in the parenthesess (X) refers to fastest startup possible when canceling into that normal from the initial V-Trigger Dash
Chains into HK
First hit after the dash (Idaten) is initiated is special and super cancelable (even if the button is not normally cancelable)
Crouch LK
SFV Zeku (Young) 2LK.png
SFV Zeku (Young) 2LK vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 2 8 3
Damage Stun Attack Block
20 70 L 2
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Pretty good range for a cr.LK but rather slow startup
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
5(12) 2 10 1
Damage Stun Attack Block
20 70 L 0
  • Cancel options: sp su
Framedata shown here is when chained into during Zeku's V-Trigger Dash
The startup in the parenthesess (X) refers to fastest startup possible when canceling into that normal from the initial V-Trigger Dash
Chains into MP/MK
First hit after the dash (Idaten) is initiated is special and super cancelable (even if the button is not normally cancelable)
Crouch MK
SFV Zeku (Young) 2MK.png
SFV Zeku (Young) 2MK vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
7 3 16 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
50 100 L -3
  • Confirm windows:
    • V-Trigger: 18
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Deceptively far range compared to what it looks like
Less likely to lose compared to most MK pokes in the game due to not having any hurtbox extension before active frames
Young Zeku's best button to buffer and hit confirm into VT1/VT2 specials in neutral/footsies
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
8(15) 3 21 -4
Damage Stun Attack Block
50 80 L -8
  • Cancel options: sp su
Framedata shown here is when chained into during Zeku's V-Trigger Dash
The startup in the parenthesess (X) refers to fastest startup possible when canceling into that normal from the initial V-Trigger Dash
Chains into HP/HK
First hit after the dash (Idaten) is initiated is special and super cancelable (even if the button is not normally cancelable)
Crouch HK
SFV Zeku (Young) 2HK.png
SFV Zeku (Young) 2HK vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
10 7 20 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 L -13(-7)
  • Crush Counter: Hard Knockdown, KD Adv, +120 V-Gauge.
  • Knockdown: 66(72) KD Adv, 17(23) Quick Rise Adv, 22(28) Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Active frames 1-7 cause a knockdown on hit and then active frames 8-11 just do a regular hit (both hits have different Crush Counter Properties too)
Pretty good range on the slide
Can easily cover both wake-ups in most knockdown scenarios (and cancel into V-Trigger if blocked to maintain + pressure)
Advantage listed with parentheses format; x(y) - refers to worst(x) to best(y) frame advantage depending on how late into active frames it hits
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
10(17) 11 26 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 L -18
  • Knockdown: 60 KD Adv, 11 Quick Rise Adv, 16 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: sp su
Framedata shown here is when chained into during Zeku's V-Trigger Dash
The startup in the parenthesess (X) refers to fastest startup possible when canceling into that normal from the initial V-Trigger Dash
Does not chain into anything past HK (instead cancel into V-Trigger Attack)
First hit after the dash (Idaten) is initiated is special and super cancelable (even if the button is not normally cancelable)
This V-Trigger 1 version of crouching HK is always a knockdown no matter how late into active frames it hits (unlike the regular crouching HK outside of V-Trigger 1)
Crouch HK late hit
SFV Zeku (Young) 2HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
17 4 20 3(6)
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 150 L -10(-7)
  • Crush Counter: Stagger, +14 Adv, +150 V-Gauge.
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Framedata for the latter part of Young Zeku's slide
Last active frame is +6/-7
Does 30 less damage than the knockdown version of the slide
Pretty good range on the slide
Can easily cover both wake-ups in most knockdown scenarios (and cancel into V-Trigger if blocked to maintain + pressure)
Advantage listed with parentheses format; x(y) - refers to worst(x) to best(y) frame advantage depending on how late into active frames it hits
Jump LP
SFV Zeku (Young) 8LP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 6 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 70 M -
Decent air-to-air (faster than jump MP but without the juggle state)
Jump MP
SFV Zeku (Young) 8MP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
8 2 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 M -
Puts airborne opponents into a limited juggle state (free juggle state if this initiates a juggle)
Cancelable into Bushin Sangoku Otoshi (Air Grab special) or into jHP as a target combo
Decent air-to-air
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 0 / 1 / 1 (0 juggle start on airborne)
Jump HP
SFV Zeku (Young) 8HP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
8 4 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 M -
Zeku's idel jump-in in terms of hitbox priority
Has slightly pulled up hurtboxes for the entire duration
Jump LK
SFV Zeku (Young) 8LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 6 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 70 M -
Strong air-to-air hitbox
Has slightly pulled up hurtboxes for the entire duration
Jump MK
SFV Zeku (Young) 8MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7 4 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 M -
Can cross-up
Has slightly pulled up hurtboxes for the entire duration
Jump HK
SFV Zeku (Young) 8HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
8 4 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 M -
Decent air-to-air

Command Normals

Kubi Kudaki
SFV Zeku (Young) 6HP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
22 1*1 22 1
Damage Stun Attack Block
40*40 (80) 50*50 (100) M*M -7
2-hit Overhead
Pretty good priority hitbox for an Overhead
2 less active frames on the 2nd hit than Old Zeku's f+HP overhead
Lack of proper active frames and pushback means there's no combo potential even if hit meaty 2nd hit and counter-hit
Juggle Limit: 0

Target Combos

8MP > 8HP
Kaeshi Hayabusa
8MP > 8HP
SFV Zeku (Young) 8MP 8HP.png
SFV Zeku (Young) 8MP 8HP 2.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
8+8 4 - KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*54 (114) 100*90 (190) M -
  • Confirm windows:
    • V-Trigger: 72
    • Notes: 13
Causes a spiked knockdown on hit
KDA varies depending on height on opponent when TC is used (the higher up when knocked down; the better amount of KDA Karin has)
5HP > 5HP
Kaeshi Saiha
5HP > 5HP
SFV Zeku (Young) 5HP 5HP.png
SFV Zeku (Young) 5HP 5HP 2.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
12+10 2 25 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
80*54 (134) 150*90 (240) H*H -12
  • Knockdown: 88 KD Adv, 29 Quick Rise Adv, 34 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 18/*17
    • Target Combos: 24
    • V-Trigger: 18
    • Notes: *VSkill 1
  • Cancel options: sp su vs1 vs2 vt1 vt2
Cannot cancel into specials or the V-Skill follow-up on block
2nd hit always connects even at max range st.HP
Easily hit confirmed into from the initial st.HP
+3 KDA if canceled into Run > Stop (+5 with EX Run > Stop)
2HP > 2HP
Kaeshi Urasaiha
2HP > 2HP
SFV Zeku (Young) 2HP 2HP.png
SFV Zeku (Young) 2HP 2HP 2.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
10+9 1 28 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
80*54 (134) 150*90 (240) H*H -10
  • Knockdown: 86 KD Adv, 27 Quick Rise Adv, 32 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 16/*15
    • V-Trigger: 16
    • Notes: *VSkill 1
  • Cancel options: sp su vs1 vs2 vt1 vt2
Cannot cancel into specials or the V-Skill follow-up on block
Easily hit confirmed into from Counter-Hit st.MP
+5 KDA if canceled into Run > Stop (+7 with EX Run > Stop)
5HP > 5HP > MPMK (VS1)
5HP > 5HP > MPMK (VS1)
SFV Zeku (Young) 5HP 5HP MPMK (VS1).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
12+10+14 2 31 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
80*54*40*32 (206) 150*90*0*120 (360) H*H*H -
  • Knockdown: 81 KD Adv, 22 Quick Rise Adv, 27 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 17
  • Cancel options: su
On hit; transforms into Old Zeku and performs an additional strike
Hold forward on hit to switch sides
Builds 100 V-Gauge on hit (1/3rd bar)
Can cancel into CA on hit
2HP > 2HP > MPMK (VS1)
2HP > 2HP > MPMK (VS1)
SFV Zeku (Young) 2HP 2HP MPMK (VS1).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
10+9+14 2 31 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
80*54*40*32 (206) 150*90*0*120 (360) H*H*H -
  • Knockdown: 81 KD Adv, 22 Quick Rise Adv, 27 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 15
  • Cancel options: su
On hit; transforms into Old Zeku and performs an additional strike
Hold forward on hit to switch sides
Builds 100 V-Gauge on hit (1/3rd bar)
Can cancel into CA on hit
5HP > 5HP > MPMK (VS2)
Sekibu No Jin
5HP > 5HP > MPMK (VS2)
SFV Zeku (Young) 5HP 5HP MPMK (VS2).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
12+10+30 - 35 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
80*54 (134) 150*90 (240) H*H -
  • Knockdown: 50(59) KD Adv, -9(0) Quick Rise Adv, -4(5) Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 17
Can only cancel into V-Skill on hit
+9 KDA if canceled into stance switch (KDA listed in parentheses)
Cannot safely get weasel out on quick rise midscreen
2HP > 2HP > MPMK (VS2)
Hakuso No Jin
2HP > 2HP > MPMK (VS2)
SFV Zeku (Young) 2HP 2HP MPMK (VS2).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
10+9+30 - 35 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
80*54 (134) 150*90 (240) H*H -
  • Knockdown: 50(59) KD Adv, -9(0) Quick Rise Adv, -4(5) Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 15
Can only cancel into V-Skill on hit
+9 KDA if canceled into stance switch (KDA listed in parentheses)
Cannot safely get weasel out on quick rise midscreen
5MP > 5HP
Bushin Soukosou
5MP > 5HP
SFV Zeku (Young) 5LP 5MP 2.png
SFV Zeku (Young) 5LP 5MP 5HP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5+13 2 24 -2
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*45 (105) 100*72 (172) H*H -6
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 17
    • Target Combos: 17
    • V-Trigger: 27
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
Not special cancelable on block (but is V-Trigger cancelable on block)
2nd hit usually connects even from max range st.MP
5LP > 5MP
Bushin Gokusanken - Ni
5LP > 5MP
SFV Zeku (Young) 5LP 5MP.png
SFV Zeku (Young) 5LP 5MP 2.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4+5 3 22 -3
Damage Stun Attack Block
30*45 (75) 70*72 (142) H*H -7
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 11
2nd hit can whiff if the initial st.LP connects far away
5LP > 5MP > 5HP
Bushin Gokusanken - San
5LP > 5MP > 5HP
SFV Zeku (Young) 5LP 5MP.png
SFV Zeku (Young) 5LP 5MP 2.png
SFV Zeku (Young) 5LP 5MP 5HP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4+5+11 4 30 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
30*45*24*32 (131) 70*72*40*40 (222) H*H*H -11
  • Knockdown: 85 KD Adv, 26 Quick Rise Adv, 31 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 14
The 3rd hit (HP) has 2 different hits that knocks down
3rd hit always connects as long as the prior 2 hits connected
5LP > 5MP > 5HP > 5HK
Bushin Gokusanken - Shu
5LP > 5MP > 5HP > 5HK
SFV Zeku (Young) 5LP 5MP 5HP 5HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4+5+11+16 7 27 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
30*45*24*32*56 (187) 70*72*40*40*70 (292) H*H*H*H -16
  • Knockdown: 82 KD Adv, 23 Quick Rise Adv, 28 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 24
  • Cancel options: su vt1 vt2
Cancelable into V-Triggers or Super
Last hit (HK) puts the opponent into a limited juggle state on hit
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 2 / 1 / 1
5LP > 5MP > 5HP > 2HK
Bushin Gokusanage
5LP > 5MP > 5HP > 2HK
SFV Zeku (Young) 5LP 5MP 5HP 2HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4+5+11+7 2 29 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
30*45*24*77 (176) 70*72*40*140 (322) H*H*H*T -
  • Knockdown: 64 KD Adv, 15 Quick Rise Adv, 15 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 9
Denies backroll on wake-up (counts as a throw)
When ending with this option the 3rd hit (HP) skips the 2nd hit of it that knocks down and instead goes right into the back throw


SFV Zeku (Young) LPLK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 3 17 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
140 150 T -
  • Knockdown: 61 KD Adv, 12 Quick Rise Adv, 12 Back Rise Adv.
Pancake Flipper
Back Throw
SFV Zeku (Young) 4LPLK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 3 17 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
160 200 T -
  • Knockdown: 63 KD Adv, 14 Quick Rise Adv, 14 Back Rise Adv.
Does more damage than average for a back throw

Special Moves

6 near wall
Sankagu Tobi (Wall Jump)
6 near wall
SFV Zeku (Young) 6 near wall.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
The regular wall jump arc
Zeku is susceptible to special counter-hits during the entire duration of his wall jump (also any follow-ups done from the wall jump) by any medium / heavy / command normal, this special counter-hit state puts Zeku into a free juggle state
Wall Jump > P
Hassou Tobi (Super Wall Jump)
Wall Jump > P
SFV Zeku (Young) Wall Jump P.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
Different jump arcs and ranges depending on which button strength is used
LP goes the least distance, MP is normal wall jump distance, HP goes the farthest
Zeku is susceptible to special counter-hits during the entire duration of his wall jump (also any follow-ups done from the wall jump) by any medium / heavy / command normal, this special counter-hit state puts Zeku into a free juggle state
Wall Jump > K
Bushin Shidenkyaku (Divekick)
Wall Jump > K
SFV Zeku (Young) Wall Jump K.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
27 - 4 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 M -
Different divekick arcs depending on which button strength is used
LK goes the least distance, HK goes the farthest
Zeku is susceptible to special counter-hits during the entire duration of this divekick by any medium / heavy / command normal, this special counter-hit state puts Zeku into a free juggle state
Juggle Limit: 1
SFV Zeku (Young) 22PP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - 25 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
Cancelable into from all special cancelable normals as well as all of Young Zeku's specials on HIT only
See the 'tfOH' / 'tfOB' data for all the relevant data when canceling into this
The total Transform animation takes 25F but the transform happens on frame 10
If Zeku is hit before frame 10 then it stops the transformation from going through
Transform can be canceled early into any special move on frames 15-20 (essentially allows Zeku to act up to 10F earlier than normal but only through special moves)
If you're canceling the transform into specials for some combo or oki setup, just add +10 to the Hit / Block / Knockdown advantages (see 'tfOH' / 'tfOB' data) to determine what works or how much time you have to apply the oki (only +5 KDA when transforming after a Bushin Gram - Ban (Old Zeku's DP))
LP Bushin Sho
SFV Zeku (Young) 236P.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
12 6 20 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 150 H -4
  • Knockdown: 83 KD Adv, 24 Quick Rise Adv, 29 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vt2
1 hit of strike hitbox and also nullifies 1 hit of projectile
Projectile invincible hurtbox on extended limbs on frames 12-36
Hurtbox pulls back during startup (can avoid retaliations from enemy during startup)
Puts opponent into a limited juggle state on hit
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 2 / 1 / 1
MP Bushin Sho
SFV Zeku (Young) 236P.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
18 6 16 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
50*40 100*50 H -2
  • Knockdown: 87 KD Adv, 28 Quick Rise Adv, 33 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vt2
2 hits of strike hitbox and also nullifies 1 hit of projectile
Always applies 2 hits no matter what active frame (but can still benefit from meaty frame advantage)
Projectile invincible on extended limbs on frames 18-38
Hurtbox pulls back during startup (can avoid retaliations from enemy during startup)
Puts opponent into a limited juggle state on hit
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 3*3 / 0*1 / 1*1
HP Bushin Sho
SFV Zeku (Young) 236P.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
24 6 15 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
30*30*60 50*50*100 H 2
  • Knockdown: 88 KD Adv, 29 Quick Rise Adv, 34 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vt2
3 hits of strike hitbox and also nullifies 1 hit of projectile
Always applies 3 hits no matter what active frame (but can still benefit from meaty frame advantage)
Projectile invincible on extended limbs on frames 24-43
Hurtbox pulls back during startup (can avoid retaliations from enemy during startup)
Puts opponent into a limited juggle state on hit
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 4*4*4 / 0*0*1 / 1*1*1
EX Bushin Sho
SFV Zeku (Young) 236PP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
23 6 21 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
80 150 H 2
  • Knockdown: 83 KD Adv, 51 Quick Rise Adv, 51 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: vt2
Causes crumple on hit
1 hit of strike hitbox and also nullifies 1 hit of projectile
Puts opponent into a free juggle state (but can't juggle anything afterwards unless it hits airborne)
Projectile invincible on extended limbs on frames 23-47
Hurtbox pulls back during startup (can avoid retaliations from enemy during startup)
Puts airborne opponents into a limited juggle state (free juggle state if this attack initiates the juggle state)
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 2 / 1 / 0
LP Hozanto
SFV Zeku (Young) 214P.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
12 6 12(22) KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H -6
  • Knockdown: 107 KD Adv, 48 Quick Rise Adv, 53 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vt2
Upper body is invincible to airborne strikes on frames 1-17 (solid anti-air)
10 extra recovery frames on whiff (22)
Puts opponent into a limited juggle state
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 0 / 1 / 1
MP Hozanto
SFV Zeku (Young) 214P.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
22 6 13 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
70 100 H -6
  • Knockdown: 108 KD Adv, 49 Quick Rise Adv, 54 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vt2
Projectile invincible above legs on frames 8-27
Low profiles on frames 8-21 (slightly smaller hurtbox than crouch size hurtbox)
Puts opponent into a limited juggle state
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 0 / 1 / 1
HP Hozanto
SFV Zeku (Young) 214P.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
26 5 15 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 100 H -6
  • Knockdown: 111 KD Adv, 52 Quick Rise Adv, 57 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vt2
Projectile invincible above legs on frames 7-30
Low profiles on frames 7-25 (slightly smaller hurtbox than crouch size hurtbox)
Puts opponent into a limited juggle state
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 0 / 1 / 1
EX Hozanto
SFV Zeku (Young) 214PP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
16 4 14 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
50*50 (100) 150 H -6
  • Knockdown: 109 KD Adv, 50 Quick Rise Adv, 55 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: vt2
Projectile invincible above legs on frames 7-19
Low profiles on frames 7-15 (slightly smaller hurtbox than crouch size hurtbox)
Cancels into a secondary part on hit that launches the opponent high into the air
Jump cancelable after the second part on hit (canned forward jump; can't pre-jump cancel into other specials or anything like that)
Juggle Limit: 0
236LP (air)
LP Bushin Sangoku Otoshi
236LP (air)
SFV Zeku (Young) 236P (air).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 2 6 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
120 200 T -
  • Knockdown: 16 KD Adv, 16 Quick Rise Adv, 16 Back Rise Adv.
Hard Knockdown
LP version is the fastest in startup but has the least range of the non-EX air grabs
236MP (air)
MP Bushin Sangoku Otoshi
236MP (air)
SFV Zeku (Young) 236P (air).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 2 6 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
130 200 T -
  • Knockdown: 16 KD Adv, 16 Quick Rise Adv, 16 Back Rise Adv.
Hard Knockdown
MP version has middle of the road startup and range between the 3 non-EX versions
236HP (air)
HP Bushin Sangoku Otoshi
236HP (air)
SFV Zeku (Young) 236P (air).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 2 6 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
140 200 T -
  • Knockdown: 16 KD Adv, 16 Quick Rise Adv, 16 Back Rise Adv.
Hard Knockdown
HP version is the slowest in startup but has the most range of the non-EX air grabs
236PP (air)
EX Bushin Sangoku Otoshi
236PP (air)
SFV Zeku (Young) 236PP (air).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 2 6 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*100 (160) 200 H -
  • Knockdown: 16 KD Adv, 16 Quick Rise Adv, 16 Back Rise Adv.
Hard Knockdown
EX version counts as a strike (can grab hurtboxes like Zangief's Air SPD)
Juggle Limit: 3
SFV Zeku (Young) 236K.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
8 - - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
Cancels into follow-ups on frames 8-49
Zeku is in a counter-hit state during the run itself
236K > LK
236K > LK
SFV Zeku (Young) 236K LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
8 - 15 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
Fastest possible Run > Stop is 23 frames total (8+15)
Latest possible Run > Stop is 64 frames total (49+15)
236K > MK
236K > MK
SFV Zeku (Young) 236K MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
8+9 9 27 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 120 L -21
  • Knockdown: 61 KD Adv, 12 Quick Rise Adv, 17 Back Rise Adv.
Projectile invincible on upper body (slides under fireballs) and extended leg on frames 9-20 of the slide follow-up (frames 17-28 overall)
Fastest possible Run > Slide is 17 frames total (8+9)
Can juggle into this after well spaced non-EX Hozantos or j.MP
Juggle Limit: 3
236K > HK
236K > HK
SFV Zeku (Young) 236K HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
8+22 2*2 24 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
70*50 (120) 100*50 (150) M*H -5
  • Knockdown: 71 KD Adv, 22 Quick Rise Adv, 27 Back Rise Adv.
Fastest possible Run > Overhead is 30 frames (8+22)
Airborne on frames 3-21 of the follow-up (frames 11-29 overall)
Total of 4 active frames so can cover both wake-ups
Second hit knocks down
Juggle Limit: 5*6
Hayagake EX
SFV Zeku (Young) 236KK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7 - - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
Cancels into Ashikari (MK: Slide) and Gekkou (HK: Overhead) follow-ups on frames 7-21 (Cancels into Tozetsu (LK: Stop) execute 1F later on frames 8-21)
Fully invincible on frames 8-21
Doing the follow-ups ASAP does cancel the teleport and invincibility frames early
Can delay the follow-up a little bit to remain fully invincible for a longer time (lasts for frames 8-21); this can be useful to get past fireballs, counter-pokes, reversals, etc
236KK > LK
Tozetsu EX
236KK > LK
SFV Zeku (Young) 236KK LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
8 - 12 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
Fully invincible on first 3 frames of EX Stop follow-up (frames 9-11 overall)
Fastest possible EX Run > Stop is 20 frames total (8+12)
Latest possible EX Run > Stop is 33 frames total (21+12)
Stop itself recovers 3 frames faster than non-EX Stop
236KK > MK
Ashikari EX
236KK > MK
SFV Zeku (Young) 236KK MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7+9 9 27 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
130 200 L -21
  • Knockdown: 61 KD Adv, 12 Quick Rise Adv, 17 Back Rise Adv.
Fully invincible on first 3 frames of EX Slide follow-up (frames 8-10 overall) and then Projectile invincible on upper body (slides under fireballs) and extended leg on frames 9-20 of the slide follow-up (frames 16-27 overall)
Fastest possible Run > Slide is 16 frames total (7+9)
Can juggle into this after well spaced non-EX Hozantos or j.MPs
Juggle Limit: 5
236KK > HK
Gekkou EX
236KK > HK
SFV Zeku (Young) 236KK HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7+22 2*2 24 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
100*50 (150) 100x2 (200) M*H -2
  • Knockdown: 71 KD Adv, 22 Quick Rise Adv, 27 Back Rise Adv.
Fully invincible on first 3 frames of EX Overhead follow-up (frames 8-10 overall)
Safe on block overhead
Fastest possible Run > Overhead is 29 frames (7+22)
Airborne on frames 3-21 of the follow-up (frames 10-28 overall)
Total of 4 active frames so can cover both wake-ups
Second hit knocks down
Juggle Limit: 5*6

Critical Art

Batsuzan Gaisei
SFV Zeku (Young) 236236K 1.png
SFV Zeku (Young) 236236K 2.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 8 47 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
50*20x5*30x3*100 (340) 0 H -33
  • Knockdown: 16 KD Adv, 16 Quick Rise Adv, 16 Back Rise Adv.
Fully invincible frames 1-11
Hard Knockdown
Pretty decent size and active hitboxes
While very minus on block, Zeku moves back during the recovery, which makes punishing this Critical Art harder than others.


SFV Zeku (Young) 5PPPKKK.png
"This is Bushinryu."
Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - 61 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -


V-Skill 1

Tenpo Kari
SFV Zeku (Young) MPMK (VS1).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
14 2 31 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
50*40 150 H -7
  • Knockdown: 79 KD Adv, 20 Quick Rise Adv, 25 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vt2
On hit; transforms into Old Zeku and performs an additional strike (Zeku will not transform if this attack trades with the opponent, which might enable some follow-up combo on trade)
Hold forward on hit to switch sides
Builds 100 V-Gauge on hit (1/3rd bar)
Young Zeku's V-Skill can cancel into V-Trigger 2 and Critical Art (unlike Old Zeku's V-Skill)
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 3*5 / 1*1 / 1*1

V-Skill 2

Kuchiyose - Bii
SFV Zeku (Young) MPMK (VS2).png
SFV Zeku (Young) MPMK (VS2) weasel.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
29 - 35 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 80 H 17(20)
  • Knockdown: 135(132) KD Adv, 76(73) Quick Rise Adv, 81(78) Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: sp
Weasel runs in then does a kick once close enough to opponent
KDA is lower if weasel hits directly after being called
If Zeku is hit before the weasel is in range to attack, the weasel goes away
Weasel is generated on frame 46 (smoke on frame 29)
Once weasel is in range to attack, it takes 10 frames to hit
Startup for weasel attack varies greatly based on distance to opponent; Point blank is 17 frames startup and fullscreen is 88 frames to startup
Weasel has no hurtbox; Can be used to get through fireballs, Rashid tornado, etc
Can be made up to +20 on block (normally +17) if done from full screen
Zeku can stance switch on frames 30-64
Opponent is put in a limited juggle state
Builds 80 / 40 V-Gauge on Hit / Block

V-Trigger 1

Bushinryu Shingekiko
SFV Zeku (Young) HPHK (VT1).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
1 - 5 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
2 bar V-Trigger
Lasts for 1500 frames (25 seconds) and gives Zeku access to a 1-time use Idaten (V-Trigger Dash) and the V-Trigger attack
HPHK dash (VT1)
HPHK dash (VT1)
SFV Zeku (Young) HPHK dash (VT1).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - 25 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
2 bar V-Trigger
Quickly dashes forward while fully invincible on frames 3-15 (and projectile invincible up to frame 17)
Can cancel instantly into any of his normals on frames 7-16 and allows him to perform a custom combo
First normal used after the dash (Idaten) can be canceled into specials or super (even if that button isn't normally cancelable)
Similar to Young Zeku's EX Run; it can be good to delay the follow-up cancels a little bit if you want to retain longer invincibility frames to go through certain attacks or bait things
If not canceled into anything on frames 7-16 then 9 frames of recovery follow after (total frames of the V-Trigger Dash being 25 frames)
V-Trigger dash cancel data refers to Young Zeku's advantage after letting the full dash frames (25) play out (normally you'd cancel the dash into other normals, but I wanted to include the data anyway)
HPHK attack (VT1)
Bushin Seiryukyaku
HPHK attack (VT1)
SFV Zeku (Young) HPHK attack (VT1).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
14(21) 5 21 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
160 200 H -2
  • Knockdown: 80 KD Adv, 21 Quick Rise Adv, 26 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
2 bar V-Trigger
Can only be canceled into during the custom combo series that Young Zeku initiates via his Idaten (V-Trigger dash)
Can corpse hop
Only -1 on block against most crouching hurtboxes (still -2 on block against crouching Abigail / Birdie / Zangief)
Does a lot of damage/stun, is safe on block and cancels into Critical Art (easily confirmable)
Minimum startup if canceled from V-Trigger Dash is 21 (7+14)

V-Trigger 2

Karura Tenzan
SFV Zeku (Young) HPHK (VT2).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
1+5 8 22+17 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
40*20x2*60 (140) 150 H -28
  • Knockdown: 92(93) KD Adv, 33(34) Quick Rise Adv, 38(39) Back Rise Adv.
2 bar V-Trigger
Duration of 2000 frames (~33 seconds) and gives Zeku access to a secondary (albeit slower) Karura Tenzan during the V-Timer
Invincible on frames 1-13 against; Airborne strikes / Projectile / Throw (everything except for grounded strikes)
Airborne on frames 7-35
Recovery frames shown is the version that plays out on whiff
Old Zeku transforms into younger Zeku if the initial hit lands and does a second attack
Can choose which sides to end on at the end of the attack with by holding forward / back during the attack's animation
+1 extra KDA if Zeku chooses to switch sides during the attack's animation
Has pretty decent horizontal reach during startup so can be a good whiff punish tool
Susceptible to counter-hits during its recovery frames (same behaviour as invincible reversals have)
Can hit cross-up (behind Zeku) and autocorrects on followup
Upon successful hit, remains projectile invincible for entire duration
Can cancel into some EX specials (everything other than Bushin Flip)
HPHK (VT2) (secondary)
Karura Tenzan (Secondary)
HPHK (VT2) (secondary)
SFV Zeku (Young) HPHK (VT2).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
10 8 22+17 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
40*20x2*60 (140) 100 H -28
  • Knockdown: 92(93) KD Adv, 33(34) Quick Rise Adv, 38(39) Back Rise Adv.
2 bar V-Trigger
This is the secondary V-Trigger 2 activation which is slower startup and spends all the remaining V-Timer
Invincible on frames 1-17 against; Airborne strikes / Projectile / Throw (everything except for grounded strikes)
Airborne on frames 16-44
Recovery frames shown is the version that plays out on whiff
Old Zeku transforms into younger Zeku if the initial hit lands and does a second attack
Can choose which sides to end on at the end of the attack with by holding forward / back during the attack's animation
+1 extra KDA if Zeku chooses to switch sides during the attack's animation
Has pretty decent horizontal reach during startup so can be a good whiff punish tool
Susceptible to counter-hits during its recovery frames (same behaviour as invincible reversals have)
Can hit cross-up (behind Zeku) and autocorrects on followup
Upon successful hit, remains projectile invincible for entire duration
Can cancel into some EX specials (everything other than Bushin Flip)


SFV Zeku (Young) MKHP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
1 9 22 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
Shifts back 1.21 range
Fully invincible on frames 1-9 during which time any strike or projectile evaded will trigger a slow-motion effect on frame 11 for both players
Immediately gains full invincibility for the full duration of V-Shift if you successfully evade a strike or projectile on start-up frames 1-9
Throw invincible on frames 1-16 on an empty / raw V-Shift
Counter-Hit state on frames 10-31 on an empty / raw V-Shift
Opponent can still cancel the attack that was V-Shifted as if it had connected (this allows for a lot of shenanigans)
Costs 300 V-Gauge (1 bar) to use and refunds 150 V-Gauge back (1/2 bar) on a successful V-Shift if the slow-mo is triggered
If the V-Shift is successful you can cancel it into a follow-up attack (see V-Shift Break) that's fully invincible and knocks the opponent down on hit

V-Shift Break

SFV Zeku (Young) MKHP break.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
? 3 ? KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 0 H -2
  • Knockdown: 74 KD Adv, 15 Quick Rise Adv, 20 Back Rise Adv.
Fully invincible during startup and active frames


SFV Zeku (Young) 6PPP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
12 2 24 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 0 H -2
Strike and Projectile invincible on frames 1-25

SFV Navigation

Game Data
Zeku (Old)
Zeku (Young)